in package
EmailControllerApi Class Doc Comment
Table of Contents
- contentTypes = ['applyImapFlagOperation' => ['application/json'], 'canSend' => ['application/json'], 'checkEmailBody' => ['application/json'], 'checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport' => ['application/json'], 'checkEmailClientSupport' => ['application/json'], 'deleteAllEmails' => ['application/json'], 'deleteEmail' => ['application/json'], 'downloadAttachment' => ['application/json'], 'downloadAttachmentBase64' => ['application/json'], 'downloadBody' => ['application/json'], 'downloadBodyBytes' => ['application/json'], 'forwardEmail' => ['application/json'], 'getAttachmentMetaData' => ['application/json'], 'getEmail' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailAttachments' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailContentMatch' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailContentPart' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailCount' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailHTML' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailHTMLJson' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailHTMLQuery' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailLinks' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailPreviewURLs' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailScreenshotAsBase64' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailScreenshotAsBinary' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailTextLines' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailsOffsetPaginated' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailsPaginated' => ['application/json'], 'getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress' => ['application/json'], 'getLatestEmail' => ['application/json'], 'getLatestEmailInInbox1' => ['application/json'], 'getOrganizationEmailsPaginated' => ['application/json'], 'getRawEmailContents' => ['application/json'], 'getRawEmailJson' => ['application/json'], 'getUnreadEmailCount' => ['application/json'], 'markAllAsRead' => ['application/json'], 'markAsRead' => ['application/json'], 'replyToEmail' => ['application/json'], 'searchEmails' => ['application/json'], 'sendEmailSourceOptional' => ['application/json'], 'validateEmail' => ['application/json']]
- $client : ClientInterface
- $config : Configuration
- $headerSelector : HeaderSelector
- $hostIndex : int
- __construct() : mixed
- applyImapFlagOperation() : EmailPreview
- Operation applyImapFlagOperation
- applyImapFlagOperationAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation applyImapFlagOperationAsync
- applyImapFlagOperationAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation applyImapFlagOperationAsyncWithHttpInfo
- applyImapFlagOperationRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'applyImapFlagOperation'
- applyImapFlagOperationWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation applyImapFlagOperationWithHttpInfo
- canSend() : CanSendEmailResults
- Operation canSend
- canSendAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation canSendAsync
- canSendAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation canSendAsyncWithHttpInfo
- canSendRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'canSend'
- canSendWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation canSendWithHttpInfo
- checkEmailBody() : CheckEmailBodyResults
- Operation checkEmailBody
- checkEmailBodyAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation checkEmailBodyAsync
- checkEmailBodyAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation checkEmailBodyAsyncWithHttpInfo
- checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport() : CheckEmailBodyFeatureSupportResults
- Operation checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport
- checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportAsync
- checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportAsyncWithHttpInfo
- checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'
- checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportWithHttpInfo
- checkEmailBodyRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'checkEmailBody'
- checkEmailBodyWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation checkEmailBodyWithHttpInfo
- checkEmailClientSupport() : CheckEmailClientSupportResults
- Operation checkEmailClientSupport
- checkEmailClientSupportAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation checkEmailClientSupportAsync
- checkEmailClientSupportAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation checkEmailClientSupportAsyncWithHttpInfo
- checkEmailClientSupportRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'checkEmailClientSupport'
- checkEmailClientSupportWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation checkEmailClientSupportWithHttpInfo
- deleteAllEmails() : void
- Operation deleteAllEmails
- deleteAllEmailsAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation deleteAllEmailsAsync
- deleteAllEmailsAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation deleteAllEmailsAsyncWithHttpInfo
- deleteAllEmailsRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'deleteAllEmails'
- deleteAllEmailsWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation deleteAllEmailsWithHttpInfo
- deleteEmail() : void
- Operation deleteEmail
- deleteEmailAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation deleteEmailAsync
- deleteEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation deleteEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo
- deleteEmailRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'deleteEmail'
- deleteEmailWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation deleteEmailWithHttpInfo
- downloadAttachment() : string
- Operation downloadAttachment
- downloadAttachmentAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation downloadAttachmentAsync
- downloadAttachmentAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation downloadAttachmentAsyncWithHttpInfo
- downloadAttachmentBase64() : DownloadAttachmentDto
- Operation downloadAttachmentBase64
- downloadAttachmentBase64Async() : PromiseInterface
- Operation downloadAttachmentBase64Async
- downloadAttachmentBase64AsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation downloadAttachmentBase64AsyncWithHttpInfo
- downloadAttachmentBase64Request() : Request
- Create request for operation 'downloadAttachmentBase64'
- downloadAttachmentBase64WithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation downloadAttachmentBase64WithHttpInfo
- downloadAttachmentRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'downloadAttachment'
- downloadAttachmentWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation downloadAttachmentWithHttpInfo
- downloadBody() : string
- Operation downloadBody
- downloadBodyAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation downloadBodyAsync
- downloadBodyAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation downloadBodyAsyncWithHttpInfo
- downloadBodyBytes() : string
- Operation downloadBodyBytes
- downloadBodyBytesAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation downloadBodyBytesAsync
- downloadBodyBytesAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation downloadBodyBytesAsyncWithHttpInfo
- downloadBodyBytesRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'downloadBodyBytes'
- downloadBodyBytesWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation downloadBodyBytesWithHttpInfo
- downloadBodyRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'downloadBody'
- downloadBodyWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation downloadBodyWithHttpInfo
- forwardEmail() : SentEmailDto
- Operation forwardEmail
- forwardEmailAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation forwardEmailAsync
- forwardEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation forwardEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo
- forwardEmailRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'forwardEmail'
- forwardEmailWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation forwardEmailWithHttpInfo
- getAttachmentMetaData() : AttachmentMetaData
- Operation getAttachmentMetaData
- getAttachmentMetaDataAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getAttachmentMetaDataAsync
- getAttachmentMetaDataAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getAttachmentMetaDataAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getAttachmentMetaDataRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getAttachmentMetaData'
- getAttachmentMetaDataWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getAttachmentMetaDataWithHttpInfo
- getConfig() : Configuration
- getEmail() : Email
- Operation getEmail
- getEmailAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailAsync
- getEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailAttachments() : array<string|int, AttachmentMetaData>
- Operation getEmailAttachments
- getEmailAttachmentsAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailAttachmentsAsync
- getEmailAttachmentsAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailAttachmentsAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailAttachmentsRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailAttachments'
- getEmailAttachmentsWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailAttachmentsWithHttpInfo
- getEmailContentMatch() : EmailContentMatchResult
- Operation getEmailContentMatch
- getEmailContentMatchAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailContentMatchAsync
- getEmailContentMatchAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailContentMatchAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailContentMatchRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailContentMatch'
- getEmailContentMatchWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailContentMatchWithHttpInfo
- getEmailContentPart() : EmailContentPartResult
- Operation getEmailContentPart
- getEmailContentPartAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailContentPartAsync
- getEmailContentPartAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailContentPartAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailContentPartRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailContentPart'
- getEmailContentPartWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailContentPartWithHttpInfo
- getEmailCount() : CountDto
- Operation getEmailCount
- getEmailCountAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailCountAsync
- getEmailCountAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailCountAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailCountRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailCount'
- getEmailCountWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailCountWithHttpInfo
- getEmailHTML() : string
- Operation getEmailHTML
- getEmailHTMLAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailHTMLAsync
- getEmailHTMLAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailHTMLAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailHTMLJson() : EmailHtmlDto
- Operation getEmailHTMLJson
- getEmailHTMLJsonAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailHTMLJsonAsync
- getEmailHTMLJsonAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailHTMLJsonAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailHTMLJsonRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailHTMLJson'
- getEmailHTMLJsonWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailHTMLJsonWithHttpInfo
- getEmailHTMLQuery() : EmailTextLinesResult
- Operation getEmailHTMLQuery
- getEmailHTMLQueryAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailHTMLQueryAsync
- getEmailHTMLQueryAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailHTMLQueryAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailHTMLQueryRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailHTMLQuery'
- getEmailHTMLQueryWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailHTMLQueryWithHttpInfo
- getEmailHTMLRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailHTML'
- getEmailHTMLWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailHTMLWithHttpInfo
- getEmailLinks() : EmailLinksResult
- Operation getEmailLinks
- getEmailLinksAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailLinksAsync
- getEmailLinksAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailLinksAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailLinksRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailLinks'
- getEmailLinksWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailLinksWithHttpInfo
- getEmailPreviewURLs() : EmailPreviewUrls
- Operation getEmailPreviewURLs
- getEmailPreviewURLsAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailPreviewURLsAsync
- getEmailPreviewURLsAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailPreviewURLsAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailPreviewURLsRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailPreviewURLs'
- getEmailPreviewURLsWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailPreviewURLsWithHttpInfo
- getEmailRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmail'
- getEmailScreenshotAsBase64() : EmailScreenshotResult
- Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBase64
- getEmailScreenshotAsBase64Async() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBase64Async
- getEmailScreenshotAsBase64AsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBase64AsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailScreenshotAsBase64Request() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'
- getEmailScreenshotAsBase64WithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBase64WithHttpInfo
- getEmailScreenshotAsBinary() : void
- Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBinary
- getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryAsync
- getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'
- getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryWithHttpInfo
- getEmailsOffsetPaginated() : PageEmailProjection
- Operation getEmailsOffsetPaginated
- getEmailsOffsetPaginatedAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailsOffsetPaginatedAsync
- getEmailsOffsetPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailsOffsetPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailsOffsetPaginatedRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailsOffsetPaginated'
- getEmailsOffsetPaginatedWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailsOffsetPaginatedWithHttpInfo
- getEmailsPaginated() : PageEmailProjection
- Operation getEmailsPaginated
- getEmailsPaginatedAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailsPaginatedAsync
- getEmailsPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailsPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailsPaginatedRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailsPaginated'
- getEmailsPaginatedWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailsPaginatedWithHttpInfo
- getEmailTextLines() : EmailTextLinesResult
- Operation getEmailTextLines
- getEmailTextLinesAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailTextLinesAsync
- getEmailTextLinesAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getEmailTextLinesAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getEmailTextLinesRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getEmailTextLines'
- getEmailTextLinesWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailTextLinesWithHttpInfo
- getEmailWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getEmailWithHttpInfo
- getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress() : GravatarUrl
- Operation getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress
- getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressAsync
- getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'
- getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressWithHttpInfo
- getHostIndex() : int
- Get the host index
- getLatestEmail() : Email
- Operation getLatestEmail
- getLatestEmailAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getLatestEmailAsync
- getLatestEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getLatestEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getLatestEmailInInbox1() : Email
- Operation getLatestEmailInInbox1
- getLatestEmailInInbox1Async() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getLatestEmailInInbox1Async
- getLatestEmailInInbox1AsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getLatestEmailInInbox1AsyncWithHttpInfo
- getLatestEmailInInbox1Request() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getLatestEmailInInbox1'
- getLatestEmailInInbox1WithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getLatestEmailInInbox1WithHttpInfo
- getLatestEmailRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getLatestEmail'
- getLatestEmailWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getLatestEmailWithHttpInfo
- getOrganizationEmailsPaginated() : PageEmailProjection
- Operation getOrganizationEmailsPaginated
- getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedAsync
- getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getOrganizationEmailsPaginated'
- getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedWithHttpInfo
- getRawEmailContents() : void
- Operation getRawEmailContents
- getRawEmailContentsAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getRawEmailContentsAsync
- getRawEmailContentsAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getRawEmailContentsAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getRawEmailContentsRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getRawEmailContents'
- getRawEmailContentsWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getRawEmailContentsWithHttpInfo
- getRawEmailJson() : RawEmailJson
- Operation getRawEmailJson
- getRawEmailJsonAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getRawEmailJsonAsync
- getRawEmailJsonAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getRawEmailJsonAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getRawEmailJsonRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getRawEmailJson'
- getRawEmailJsonWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getRawEmailJsonWithHttpInfo
- getUnreadEmailCount() : UnreadCount
- Operation getUnreadEmailCount
- getUnreadEmailCountAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getUnreadEmailCountAsync
- getUnreadEmailCountAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation getUnreadEmailCountAsyncWithHttpInfo
- getUnreadEmailCountRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'getUnreadEmailCount'
- getUnreadEmailCountWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation getUnreadEmailCountWithHttpInfo
- markAllAsRead() : void
- Operation markAllAsRead
- markAllAsReadAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation markAllAsReadAsync
- markAllAsReadAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation markAllAsReadAsyncWithHttpInfo
- markAllAsReadRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'markAllAsRead'
- markAllAsReadWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation markAllAsReadWithHttpInfo
- markAsRead() : EmailPreview
- Operation markAsRead
- markAsReadAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation markAsReadAsync
- markAsReadAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation markAsReadAsyncWithHttpInfo
- markAsReadRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'markAsRead'
- markAsReadWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation markAsReadWithHttpInfo
- replyToEmail() : SentEmailDto
- Operation replyToEmail
- replyToEmailAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation replyToEmailAsync
- replyToEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation replyToEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo
- replyToEmailRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'replyToEmail'
- replyToEmailWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation replyToEmailWithHttpInfo
- searchEmails() : PageEmailProjection
- Operation searchEmails
- searchEmailsAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation searchEmailsAsync
- searchEmailsAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation searchEmailsAsyncWithHttpInfo
- searchEmailsRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'searchEmails'
- searchEmailsWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation searchEmailsWithHttpInfo
- sendEmailSourceOptional() : void
- Operation sendEmailSourceOptional
- sendEmailSourceOptionalAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation sendEmailSourceOptionalAsync
- sendEmailSourceOptionalAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation sendEmailSourceOptionalAsyncWithHttpInfo
- sendEmailSourceOptionalRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'sendEmailSourceOptional'
- sendEmailSourceOptionalWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation sendEmailSourceOptionalWithHttpInfo
- setHostIndex() : void
- Set the host index
- validateEmail() : ValidationDto
- Operation validateEmail
- validateEmailAsync() : PromiseInterface
- Operation validateEmailAsync
- validateEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo() : PromiseInterface
- Operation validateEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo
- validateEmailRequest() : Request
- Create request for operation 'validateEmail'
- validateEmailWithHttpInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Operation validateEmailWithHttpInfo
- createHttpClientOption() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Create http client option
array<string|int, string>
= ['applyImapFlagOperation' => ['application/json'], 'canSend' => ['application/json'], 'checkEmailBody' => ['application/json'], 'checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport' => ['application/json'], 'checkEmailClientSupport' => ['application/json'], 'deleteAllEmails' => ['application/json'], 'deleteEmail' => ['application/json'], 'downloadAttachment' => ['application/json'], 'downloadAttachmentBase64' => ['application/json'], 'downloadBody' => ['application/json'], 'downloadBodyBytes' => ['application/json'], 'forwardEmail' => ['application/json'], 'getAttachmentMetaData' => ['application/json'], 'getEmail' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailAttachments' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailContentMatch' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailContentPart' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailCount' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailHTML' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailHTMLJson' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailHTMLQuery' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailLinks' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailPreviewURLs' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailScreenshotAsBase64' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailScreenshotAsBinary' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailTextLines' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailsOffsetPaginated' => ['application/json'], 'getEmailsPaginated' => ['application/json'], 'getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress' => ['application/json'], 'getLatestEmail' => ['application/json'], 'getLatestEmailInInbox1' => ['application/json'], 'getOrganizationEmailsPaginated' => ['application/json'], 'getRawEmailContents' => ['application/json'], 'getRawEmailJson' => ['application/json'], 'getUnreadEmailCount' => ['application/json'], 'markAllAsRead' => ['application/json'], 'markAsRead' => ['application/json'], 'replyToEmail' => ['application/json'], 'searchEmails' => ['application/json'], 'sendEmailSourceOptional' => ['application/json'], 'validateEmail' => ['application/json']]
Host index
__construct([ClientInterface $client = null ][, Configuration $config = null ][, HeaderSelector $selector = null ], int $hostIndex) : mixed
- $client : ClientInterface = null
- $config : Configuration = null
- $selector : HeaderSelector = null
- $hostIndex : int
(Optional) host index to select the list of hosts if defined in the OpenAPI spec
Return values
mixed —applyImapFlagOperation()
Operation applyImapFlagOperation
applyImapFlagOperation(string $email_id, ImapFlagOperationOptions $imap_flag_operation_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'][0] ]) : EmailPreview
Set IMAP flags associated with a message. Only supports '\Seen' flag.
- $email_id : string
email_id (required)
- $imap_flag_operation_options : ImapFlagOperationOptions
imap_flag_operation_options (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
EmailPreview —applyImapFlagOperationAsync()
Operation applyImapFlagOperationAsync
applyImapFlagOperationAsync(string $email_id, ImapFlagOperationOptions $imap_flag_operation_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Set IMAP flags associated with a message. Only supports '\Seen' flag.
- $email_id : string
- $imap_flag_operation_options : ImapFlagOperationOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —applyImapFlagOperationAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation applyImapFlagOperationAsyncWithHttpInfo
applyImapFlagOperationAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, ImapFlagOperationOptions $imap_flag_operation_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Set IMAP flags associated with a message. Only supports '\Seen' flag.
- $email_id : string
- $imap_flag_operation_options : ImapFlagOperationOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —applyImapFlagOperationRequest()
Create request for operation 'applyImapFlagOperation'
applyImapFlagOperationRequest(string $email_id, ImapFlagOperationOptions $imap_flag_operation_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
- $imap_flag_operation_options : ImapFlagOperationOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —applyImapFlagOperationWithHttpInfo()
Operation applyImapFlagOperationWithHttpInfo
applyImapFlagOperationWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, ImapFlagOperationOptions $imap_flag_operation_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Set IMAP flags associated with a message. Only supports '\Seen' flag.
- $email_id : string
- $imap_flag_operation_options : ImapFlagOperationOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['applyImapFlagOperation'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\EmailPreview, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation canSend
canSend(string $inbox_id, SendEmailOptions $send_email_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['canSend'][0] ]) : CanSendEmailResults
Check if email can be sent and options are valid.
- $inbox_id : string
ID of the inbox you want to send the email from (required)
- $send_email_options : SendEmailOptions
send_email_options (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['canSend'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['canSend'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
CanSendEmailResults —canSendAsync()
Operation canSendAsync
canSendAsync(string $inbox_id, SendEmailOptions $send_email_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['canSend'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Check if email can be sent and options are valid.
- $inbox_id : string
ID of the inbox you want to send the email from (required)
- $send_email_options : SendEmailOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['canSend'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['canSend'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —canSendAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation canSendAsyncWithHttpInfo
canSendAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $inbox_id, SendEmailOptions $send_email_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['canSend'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Check if email can be sent and options are valid.
- $inbox_id : string
ID of the inbox you want to send the email from (required)
- $send_email_options : SendEmailOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['canSend'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['canSend'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —canSendRequest()
Create request for operation 'canSend'
canSendRequest(string $inbox_id, SendEmailOptions $send_email_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['canSend'][0] ]) : Request
- $inbox_id : string
ID of the inbox you want to send the email from (required)
- $send_email_options : SendEmailOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['canSend'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['canSend'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —canSendWithHttpInfo()
Operation canSendWithHttpInfo
canSendWithHttpInfo(string $inbox_id, SendEmailOptions $send_email_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['canSend'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Check if email can be sent and options are valid.
- $inbox_id : string
ID of the inbox you want to send the email from (required)
- $send_email_options : SendEmailOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['canSend'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['canSend'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\CanSendEmailResults, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation checkEmailBody
checkEmailBody(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'][0] ]) : CheckEmailBodyResults
Detect broken links, spelling, and images in email content
- $email_id : string
email_id (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
CheckEmailBodyResults —checkEmailBodyAsync()
Operation checkEmailBodyAsync
checkEmailBodyAsync(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Detect broken links, spelling, and images in email content
- $email_id : string
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —checkEmailBodyAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation checkEmailBodyAsyncWithHttpInfo
checkEmailBodyAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Detect broken links, spelling, and images in email content
- $email_id : string
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport()
Operation checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport
checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'][0] ]) : CheckEmailBodyFeatureSupportResults
Show which mail clients support the HTML and CSS features used in an email body.
- $email_id : string
email_id (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
CheckEmailBodyFeatureSupportResults —checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportAsync()
Operation checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportAsync
checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportAsync(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Show which mail clients support the HTML and CSS features used in an email body.
- $email_id : string
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportAsyncWithHttpInfo
checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Show which mail clients support the HTML and CSS features used in an email body.
- $email_id : string
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportRequest()
Create request for operation 'checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'
checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportRequest(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportWithHttpInfo()
Operation checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportWithHttpInfo
checkEmailBodyFeatureSupportWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Show which mail clients support the HTML and CSS features used in an email body.
- $email_id : string
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailBodyFeatureSupport'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\CheckEmailBodyFeatureSupportResults, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Create request for operation 'checkEmailBody'
checkEmailBodyRequest(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —checkEmailBodyWithHttpInfo()
Operation checkEmailBodyWithHttpInfo
checkEmailBodyWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Detect broken links, spelling, and images in email content
- $email_id : string
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailBody'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\CheckEmailBodyResults, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation checkEmailClientSupport
checkEmailClientSupport(CheckEmailClientSupportOptions $check_email_client_support_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'][0] ]) : CheckEmailClientSupportResults
Show which email programs and devices support the features used in an email body.
- $check_email_client_support_options : CheckEmailClientSupportOptions
check_email_client_support_options (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
CheckEmailClientSupportResults —checkEmailClientSupportAsync()
Operation checkEmailClientSupportAsync
checkEmailClientSupportAsync(CheckEmailClientSupportOptions $check_email_client_support_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Show which email programs and devices support the features used in an email body.
- $check_email_client_support_options : CheckEmailClientSupportOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —checkEmailClientSupportAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation checkEmailClientSupportAsyncWithHttpInfo
checkEmailClientSupportAsyncWithHttpInfo(CheckEmailClientSupportOptions $check_email_client_support_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Show which email programs and devices support the features used in an email body.
- $check_email_client_support_options : CheckEmailClientSupportOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —checkEmailClientSupportRequest()
Create request for operation 'checkEmailClientSupport'
checkEmailClientSupportRequest(CheckEmailClientSupportOptions $check_email_client_support_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'][0] ]) : Request
- $check_email_client_support_options : CheckEmailClientSupportOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —checkEmailClientSupportWithHttpInfo()
Operation checkEmailClientSupportWithHttpInfo
checkEmailClientSupportWithHttpInfo(CheckEmailClientSupportOptions $check_email_client_support_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Show which email programs and devices support the features used in an email body.
- $check_email_client_support_options : CheckEmailClientSupportOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['checkEmailClientSupport'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\CheckEmailClientSupportResults, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation deleteAllEmails
deleteAllEmails([string $contentType = self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'][0] ]) : void
Delete all emails in all inboxes.
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
void —deleteAllEmailsAsync()
Operation deleteAllEmailsAsync
deleteAllEmailsAsync([string $contentType = self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Delete all emails in all inboxes.
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —deleteAllEmailsAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation deleteAllEmailsAsyncWithHttpInfo
deleteAllEmailsAsyncWithHttpInfo([string $contentType = self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Delete all emails in all inboxes.
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —deleteAllEmailsRequest()
Create request for operation 'deleteAllEmails'
deleteAllEmailsRequest([string $contentType = self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'][0] ]) : Request
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —deleteAllEmailsWithHttpInfo()
Operation deleteAllEmailsWithHttpInfo
deleteAllEmailsWithHttpInfo([string $contentType = self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Delete all emails in all inboxes.
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['deleteAllEmails'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of null, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation deleteEmail
deleteEmail(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'][0] ]) : void
Delete an email
- $email_id : string
ID of email to delete (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
void —deleteEmailAsync()
Operation deleteEmailAsync
deleteEmailAsync(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Delete an email
- $email_id : string
ID of email to delete (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —deleteEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation deleteEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo
deleteEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Delete an email
- $email_id : string
ID of email to delete (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —deleteEmailRequest()
Create request for operation 'deleteEmail'
deleteEmailRequest(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
ID of email to delete (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —deleteEmailWithHttpInfo()
Operation deleteEmailWithHttpInfo
deleteEmailWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Delete an email
- $email_id : string
ID of email to delete (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['deleteEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of null, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation downloadAttachment
downloadAttachment(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $api_key = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'][0] ]) : string
Get email attachment bytes. Returned as `octet-stream` with content type header. If you have trouble with byte responses try the `downloadAttachmentBase64` response endpoints and convert the base 64 encoded content to a file or string.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $api_key : string = null
Can pass apiKey in url for this request if you wish to download the file in a browser. Content type will be set to original content type of the attachment file. This is so that browsers can download the file correctly. (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
string —downloadAttachmentAsync()
Operation downloadAttachmentAsync
downloadAttachmentAsync(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $api_key = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email attachment bytes. Returned as `octet-stream` with content type header. If you have trouble with byte responses try the `downloadAttachmentBase64` response endpoints and convert the base 64 encoded content to a file or string.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $api_key : string = null
Can pass apiKey in url for this request if you wish to download the file in a browser. Content type will be set to original content type of the attachment file. This is so that browsers can download the file correctly. (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —downloadAttachmentAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation downloadAttachmentAsyncWithHttpInfo
downloadAttachmentAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $api_key = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email attachment bytes. Returned as `octet-stream` with content type header. If you have trouble with byte responses try the `downloadAttachmentBase64` response endpoints and convert the base 64 encoded content to a file or string.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $api_key : string = null
Can pass apiKey in url for this request if you wish to download the file in a browser. Content type will be set to original content type of the attachment file. This is so that browsers can download the file correctly. (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —downloadAttachmentBase64()
Operation downloadAttachmentBase64
downloadAttachmentBase64(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'][0] ]) : DownloadAttachmentDto
Get email attachment as base64 encoded string as an alternative to binary responses. Decode the `base64FileContents` as a `utf-8` encoded string or array of bytes depending on the `contentType`.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
DownloadAttachmentDto —downloadAttachmentBase64Async()
Operation downloadAttachmentBase64Async
downloadAttachmentBase64Async(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email attachment as base64 encoded string as an alternative to binary responses. Decode the `base64FileContents` as a `utf-8` encoded string or array of bytes depending on the `contentType`.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —downloadAttachmentBase64AsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation downloadAttachmentBase64AsyncWithHttpInfo
downloadAttachmentBase64AsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email attachment as base64 encoded string as an alternative to binary responses. Decode the `base64FileContents` as a `utf-8` encoded string or array of bytes depending on the `contentType`.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —downloadAttachmentBase64Request()
Create request for operation 'downloadAttachmentBase64'
downloadAttachmentBase64Request(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —downloadAttachmentBase64WithHttpInfo()
Operation downloadAttachmentBase64WithHttpInfo
downloadAttachmentBase64WithHttpInfo(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get email attachment as base64 encoded string as an alternative to binary responses. Decode the `base64FileContents` as a `utf-8` encoded string or array of bytes depending on the `contentType`.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadAttachmentBase64'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\DownloadAttachmentDto, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Create request for operation 'downloadAttachment'
downloadAttachmentRequest(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $api_key = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $api_key : string = null
Can pass apiKey in url for this request if you wish to download the file in a browser. Content type will be set to original content type of the attachment file. This is so that browsers can download the file correctly. (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —downloadAttachmentWithHttpInfo()
Operation downloadAttachmentWithHttpInfo
downloadAttachmentWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $api_key = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get email attachment bytes. Returned as `octet-stream` with content type header. If you have trouble with byte responses try the `downloadAttachmentBase64` response endpoints and convert the base 64 encoded content to a file or string.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $api_key : string = null
Can pass apiKey in url for this request if you wish to download the file in a browser. Content type will be set to original content type of the attachment file. This is so that browsers can download the file correctly. (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadAttachment'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of string, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation downloadBody
downloadBody(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadBody'][0] ]) : string
Get email body as string. Returned as `plain/text` with content type header.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadBody'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadBody'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
string —downloadBodyAsync()
Operation downloadBodyAsync
downloadBodyAsync(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadBody'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email body as string. Returned as `plain/text` with content type header.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadBody'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadBody'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —downloadBodyAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation downloadBodyAsyncWithHttpInfo
downloadBodyAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadBody'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email body as string. Returned as `plain/text` with content type header.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadBody'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadBody'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —downloadBodyBytes()
Operation downloadBodyBytes
downloadBodyBytes(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'][0] ]) : string
Get email body in bytes. Returned as `octet-stream` with content type header.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
string —downloadBodyBytesAsync()
Operation downloadBodyBytesAsync
downloadBodyBytesAsync(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email body in bytes. Returned as `octet-stream` with content type header.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —downloadBodyBytesAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation downloadBodyBytesAsyncWithHttpInfo
downloadBodyBytesAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email body in bytes. Returned as `octet-stream` with content type header.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —downloadBodyBytesRequest()
Create request for operation 'downloadBodyBytes'
downloadBodyBytesRequest(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —downloadBodyBytesWithHttpInfo()
Operation downloadBodyBytesWithHttpInfo
downloadBodyBytesWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get email body in bytes. Returned as `octet-stream` with content type header.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadBodyBytes'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of string, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Create request for operation 'downloadBody'
downloadBodyRequest(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadBody'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadBody'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadBody'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —downloadBodyWithHttpInfo()
Operation downloadBodyWithHttpInfo
downloadBodyWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['downloadBody'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get email body as string. Returned as `plain/text` with content type header.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['downloadBody'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['downloadBody'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of string, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation forwardEmail
forwardEmail(string $email_id, ForwardEmailOptions $forward_email_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'][0] ]) : SentEmailDto
Forward email to recipients
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $forward_email_options : ForwardEmailOptions
forward_email_options (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
SentEmailDto —forwardEmailAsync()
Operation forwardEmailAsync
forwardEmailAsync(string $email_id, ForwardEmailOptions $forward_email_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Forward email to recipients
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $forward_email_options : ForwardEmailOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —forwardEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation forwardEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo
forwardEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, ForwardEmailOptions $forward_email_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Forward email to recipients
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $forward_email_options : ForwardEmailOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —forwardEmailRequest()
Create request for operation 'forwardEmail'
forwardEmailRequest(string $email_id, ForwardEmailOptions $forward_email_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $forward_email_options : ForwardEmailOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —forwardEmailWithHttpInfo()
Operation forwardEmailWithHttpInfo
forwardEmailWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, ForwardEmailOptions $forward_email_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Forward email to recipients
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $forward_email_options : ForwardEmailOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['forwardEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\SentEmailDto, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getAttachmentMetaData
getAttachmentMetaData(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'][0] ]) : AttachmentMetaData
Get email attachment metadata. This is the `contentType` and `contentLength` of an attachment. To get the individual attachments use the `downloadAttachment` methods.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
AttachmentMetaData —getAttachmentMetaDataAsync()
Operation getAttachmentMetaDataAsync
getAttachmentMetaDataAsync(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email attachment metadata. This is the `contentType` and `contentLength` of an attachment. To get the individual attachments use the `downloadAttachment` methods.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getAttachmentMetaDataAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getAttachmentMetaDataAsyncWithHttpInfo
getAttachmentMetaDataAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email attachment metadata. This is the `contentType` and `contentLength` of an attachment. To get the individual attachments use the `downloadAttachment` methods.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getAttachmentMetaDataRequest()
Create request for operation 'getAttachmentMetaData'
getAttachmentMetaDataRequest(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getAttachmentMetaDataWithHttpInfo()
Operation getAttachmentMetaDataWithHttpInfo
getAttachmentMetaDataWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, string $attachment_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get email attachment metadata. This is the `contentType` and `contentLength` of an attachment. To get the individual attachments use the `downloadAttachment` methods.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $attachment_id : string
ID of attachment (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getAttachmentMetaData'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\AttachmentMetaData, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
getConfig() : Configuration
Return values
Configuration —getEmail()
Operation getEmail
getEmail(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmail'][0] ]) : Email
Get email content including headers and body. Expects email to exist by ID. For emails that may not have arrived yet use the WaitForController.
- $email_id : string
email_id (required)
- $decode : bool = false
Decode email body quoted-printable encoding to plain text. SMTP servers often encode text using quoted-printable format (for instance `=D7`). This can be a pain for testing (optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Email —getEmailAsync()
Operation getEmailAsync
getEmailAsync(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmail'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email content including headers and body. Expects email to exist by ID. For emails that may not have arrived yet use the WaitForController.
- $email_id : string
- $decode : bool = false
Decode email body quoted-printable encoding to plain text. SMTP servers often encode text using quoted-printable format (for instance `=D7`). This can be a pain for testing (optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmail'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email content including headers and body. Expects email to exist by ID. For emails that may not have arrived yet use the WaitForController.
- $email_id : string
- $decode : bool = false
Decode email body quoted-printable encoding to plain text. SMTP servers often encode text using quoted-printable format (for instance `=D7`). This can be a pain for testing (optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailAttachments()
Operation getEmailAttachments
getEmailAttachments(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'][0] ]) : array<string|int, AttachmentMetaData>
Get all email attachment metadata. Metadata includes name and size of attachments.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, AttachmentMetaData> —getEmailAttachmentsAsync()
Operation getEmailAttachmentsAsync
getEmailAttachmentsAsync(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get all email attachment metadata. Metadata includes name and size of attachments.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailAttachmentsAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailAttachmentsAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailAttachmentsAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get all email attachment metadata. Metadata includes name and size of attachments.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailAttachmentsRequest()
Create request for operation 'getEmailAttachments'
getEmailAttachmentsRequest(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailAttachmentsWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailAttachmentsWithHttpInfo
getEmailAttachmentsWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get all email attachment metadata. Metadata includes name and size of attachments.
- $email_id : string
ID of email (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailAttachments'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\AttachmentMetaData[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getEmailContentMatch
getEmailContentMatch(string $email_id, ContentMatchOptions $content_match_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'][0] ]) : EmailContentMatchResult
Get email content regex pattern match results. Runs regex against email body and returns match groups.
- $email_id : string
ID of email to match against (required)
- $content_match_options : ContentMatchOptions
content_match_options (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
EmailContentMatchResult —getEmailContentMatchAsync()
Operation getEmailContentMatchAsync
getEmailContentMatchAsync(string $email_id, ContentMatchOptions $content_match_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email content regex pattern match results. Runs regex against email body and returns match groups.
- $email_id : string
ID of email to match against (required)
- $content_match_options : ContentMatchOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailContentMatchAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailContentMatchAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailContentMatchAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, ContentMatchOptions $content_match_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email content regex pattern match results. Runs regex against email body and returns match groups.
- $email_id : string
ID of email to match against (required)
- $content_match_options : ContentMatchOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailContentMatchRequest()
Create request for operation 'getEmailContentMatch'
getEmailContentMatchRequest(string $email_id, ContentMatchOptions $content_match_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
ID of email to match against (required)
- $content_match_options : ContentMatchOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailContentMatchWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailContentMatchWithHttpInfo
getEmailContentMatchWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, ContentMatchOptions $content_match_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get email content regex pattern match results. Runs regex against email body and returns match groups.
- $email_id : string
ID of email to match against (required)
- $content_match_options : ContentMatchOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailContentMatch'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\EmailContentMatchResult, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getEmailContentPart
getEmailContentPart(string $email_id, string $content_type[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'][0] ]) : EmailContentPartResult
Get email content part by content type
- $email_id : string
ID of email to match against (required)
- $content_type : string
Content type (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
EmailContentPartResult —getEmailContentPartAsync()
Operation getEmailContentPartAsync
getEmailContentPartAsync(string $email_id, string $content_type[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email content part by content type
- $email_id : string
ID of email to match against (required)
- $content_type : string
Content type (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailContentPartAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailContentPartAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailContentPartAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, string $content_type[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email content part by content type
- $email_id : string
ID of email to match against (required)
- $content_type : string
Content type (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailContentPartRequest()
Create request for operation 'getEmailContentPart'
getEmailContentPartRequest(string $email_id, string $content_type[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
ID of email to match against (required)
- $content_type : string
Content type (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailContentPartWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailContentPartWithHttpInfo
getEmailContentPartWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, string $content_type[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get email content part by content type
- $email_id : string
ID of email to match against (required)
- $content_type : string
Content type (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailContentPart'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\EmailContentPartResult, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getEmailCount
getEmailCount([string $inbox_id = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'][0] ]) : CountDto
Get email count
- $inbox_id : string = null
inbox_id (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
CountDto —getEmailCountAsync()
Operation getEmailCountAsync
getEmailCountAsync([string $inbox_id = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email count
- $inbox_id : string = null
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailCountAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailCountAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailCountAsyncWithHttpInfo([string $inbox_id = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email count
- $inbox_id : string = null
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailCountRequest()
Create request for operation 'getEmailCount'
getEmailCountRequest([string $inbox_id = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'][0] ]) : Request
- $inbox_id : string = null
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailCountWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailCountWithHttpInfo
getEmailCountWithHttpInfo([string $inbox_id = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get email count
- $inbox_id : string = null
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailCount'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\CountDto, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getEmailHTML
getEmailHTML(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, bool $replace_cid_images = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'][0] ]) : string
Get email content as HTML. For displaying emails in browser context.
- $email_id : string
email_id (required)
- $decode : bool = false
decode (optional, default to false)
- $replace_cid_images : bool = false
replace_cid_images (optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
string —getEmailHTMLAsync()
Operation getEmailHTMLAsync
getEmailHTMLAsync(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, bool $replace_cid_images = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email content as HTML. For displaying emails in browser context.
- $email_id : string
- $decode : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $replace_cid_images : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailHTMLAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailHTMLAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailHTMLAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, bool $replace_cid_images = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email content as HTML. For displaying emails in browser context.
- $email_id : string
- $decode : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $replace_cid_images : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailHTMLJson()
Operation getEmailHTMLJson
getEmailHTMLJson(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, bool $replace_cid_images = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'][0] ]) : EmailHtmlDto
Get email content as HTML in JSON wrapper. For fetching entity decoded HTML content
- $email_id : string
email_id (required)
- $decode : bool = false
decode (optional, default to false)
- $replace_cid_images : bool = false
replace_cid_images (optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
EmailHtmlDto —getEmailHTMLJsonAsync()
Operation getEmailHTMLJsonAsync
getEmailHTMLJsonAsync(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, bool $replace_cid_images = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email content as HTML in JSON wrapper. For fetching entity decoded HTML content
- $email_id : string
- $decode : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $replace_cid_images : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailHTMLJsonAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailHTMLJsonAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailHTMLJsonAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, bool $replace_cid_images = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email content as HTML in JSON wrapper. For fetching entity decoded HTML content
- $email_id : string
- $decode : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $replace_cid_images : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailHTMLJsonRequest()
Create request for operation 'getEmailHTMLJson'
getEmailHTMLJsonRequest(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, bool $replace_cid_images = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
- $decode : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $replace_cid_images : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailHTMLJsonWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailHTMLJsonWithHttpInfo
getEmailHTMLJsonWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, bool $replace_cid_images = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get email content as HTML in JSON wrapper. For fetching entity decoded HTML content
- $email_id : string
- $decode : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $replace_cid_images : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLJson'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\EmailHtmlDto, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getEmailHTMLQuery
getEmailHTMLQuery(string $email_id, string $html_selector[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'][0] ]) : EmailTextLinesResult
Parse and return text from an email, stripping HTML and decoding encoded characters
- $email_id : string
ID of email to perform HTML query on (required)
- $html_selector : string
HTML selector to search for. Uses JQuery/JSoup/CSS style selector like '.my-div' to match content. See for more information. (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
EmailTextLinesResult —getEmailHTMLQueryAsync()
Operation getEmailHTMLQueryAsync
getEmailHTMLQueryAsync(string $email_id, string $html_selector[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Parse and return text from an email, stripping HTML and decoding encoded characters
- $email_id : string
ID of email to perform HTML query on (required)
- $html_selector : string
HTML selector to search for. Uses JQuery/JSoup/CSS style selector like '.my-div' to match content. See for more information. (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailHTMLQueryAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailHTMLQueryAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailHTMLQueryAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, string $html_selector[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Parse and return text from an email, stripping HTML and decoding encoded characters
- $email_id : string
ID of email to perform HTML query on (required)
- $html_selector : string
HTML selector to search for. Uses JQuery/JSoup/CSS style selector like '.my-div' to match content. See for more information. (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailHTMLQueryRequest()
Create request for operation 'getEmailHTMLQuery'
getEmailHTMLQueryRequest(string $email_id, string $html_selector[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
ID of email to perform HTML query on (required)
- $html_selector : string
HTML selector to search for. Uses JQuery/JSoup/CSS style selector like '.my-div' to match content. See for more information. (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailHTMLQueryWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailHTMLQueryWithHttpInfo
getEmailHTMLQueryWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, string $html_selector[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Parse and return text from an email, stripping HTML and decoding encoded characters
- $email_id : string
ID of email to perform HTML query on (required)
- $html_selector : string
HTML selector to search for. Uses JQuery/JSoup/CSS style selector like '.my-div' to match content. See for more information. (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTMLQuery'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\EmailTextLinesResult, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Create request for operation 'getEmailHTML'
getEmailHTMLRequest(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, bool $replace_cid_images = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
- $decode : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $replace_cid_images : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailHTMLWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailHTMLWithHttpInfo
getEmailHTMLWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, bool $replace_cid_images = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get email content as HTML. For displaying emails in browser context.
- $email_id : string
- $decode : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $replace_cid_images : bool = false
(optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailHTML'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of string, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getEmailLinks
getEmailLinks(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'][0] ]) : EmailLinksResult
Parse and return list of links found in an email (only works for HTML content)
- $email_id : string
ID of email to fetch text for (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
EmailLinksResult —getEmailLinksAsync()
Operation getEmailLinksAsync
getEmailLinksAsync(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Parse and return list of links found in an email (only works for HTML content)
- $email_id : string
ID of email to fetch text for (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailLinksAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailLinksAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailLinksAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Parse and return list of links found in an email (only works for HTML content)
- $email_id : string
ID of email to fetch text for (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailLinksRequest()
Create request for operation 'getEmailLinks'
getEmailLinksRequest(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
ID of email to fetch text for (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailLinksWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailLinksWithHttpInfo
getEmailLinksWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Parse and return list of links found in an email (only works for HTML content)
- $email_id : string
ID of email to fetch text for (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailLinks'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\EmailLinksResult, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getEmailPreviewURLs
getEmailPreviewURLs(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'][0] ]) : EmailPreviewUrls
Get email URLs for viewing in browser or downloading
- $email_id : string
email_id (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
EmailPreviewUrls —getEmailPreviewURLsAsync()
Operation getEmailPreviewURLsAsync
getEmailPreviewURLsAsync(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email URLs for viewing in browser or downloading
- $email_id : string
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailPreviewURLsAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailPreviewURLsAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailPreviewURLsAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get email URLs for viewing in browser or downloading
- $email_id : string
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailPreviewURLsRequest()
Create request for operation 'getEmailPreviewURLs'
getEmailPreviewURLsRequest(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailPreviewURLsWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailPreviewURLsWithHttpInfo
getEmailPreviewURLsWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get email URLs for viewing in browser or downloading
- $email_id : string
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailPreviewURLs'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\EmailPreviewUrls, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Create request for operation 'getEmail'
getEmailRequest(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmail'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
- $decode : bool = false
Decode email body quoted-printable encoding to plain text. SMTP servers often encode text using quoted-printable format (for instance `=D7`). This can be a pain for testing (optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailScreenshotAsBase64()
Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBase64
getEmailScreenshotAsBase64(string $email_id, GetEmailScreenshotOptions $get_email_screenshot_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'][0] ]) : EmailScreenshotResult
Take a screenshot of an email in a browser and return base64 encoded string
- $email_id : string
email_id (required)
- $get_email_screenshot_options : GetEmailScreenshotOptions
get_email_screenshot_options (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
EmailScreenshotResult —getEmailScreenshotAsBase64Async()
Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBase64Async
getEmailScreenshotAsBase64Async(string $email_id, GetEmailScreenshotOptions $get_email_screenshot_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Take a screenshot of an email in a browser and return base64 encoded string
- $email_id : string
- $get_email_screenshot_options : GetEmailScreenshotOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailScreenshotAsBase64AsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBase64AsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailScreenshotAsBase64AsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, GetEmailScreenshotOptions $get_email_screenshot_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Take a screenshot of an email in a browser and return base64 encoded string
- $email_id : string
- $get_email_screenshot_options : GetEmailScreenshotOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailScreenshotAsBase64Request()
Create request for operation 'getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'
getEmailScreenshotAsBase64Request(string $email_id, GetEmailScreenshotOptions $get_email_screenshot_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
- $get_email_screenshot_options : GetEmailScreenshotOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailScreenshotAsBase64WithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBase64WithHttpInfo
getEmailScreenshotAsBase64WithHttpInfo(string $email_id, GetEmailScreenshotOptions $get_email_screenshot_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Take a screenshot of an email in a browser and return base64 encoded string
- $email_id : string
- $get_email_screenshot_options : GetEmailScreenshotOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBase64'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\EmailScreenshotResult, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBinary
getEmailScreenshotAsBinary(string $email_id, GetEmailScreenshotOptions $get_email_screenshot_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'][0] ]) : void
Take a screenshot of an email in a browser
- $email_id : string
email_id (required)
- $get_email_screenshot_options : GetEmailScreenshotOptions
get_email_screenshot_options (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
void —getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryAsync()
Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryAsync
getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryAsync(string $email_id, GetEmailScreenshotOptions $get_email_screenshot_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Take a screenshot of an email in a browser
- $email_id : string
- $get_email_screenshot_options : GetEmailScreenshotOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, GetEmailScreenshotOptions $get_email_screenshot_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Take a screenshot of an email in a browser
- $email_id : string
- $get_email_screenshot_options : GetEmailScreenshotOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryRequest()
Create request for operation 'getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'
getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryRequest(string $email_id, GetEmailScreenshotOptions $get_email_screenshot_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
- $get_email_screenshot_options : GetEmailScreenshotOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryWithHttpInfo
getEmailScreenshotAsBinaryWithHttpInfo(string $email_id, GetEmailScreenshotOptions $get_email_screenshot_options[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Take a screenshot of an email in a browser
- $email_id : string
- $get_email_screenshot_options : GetEmailScreenshotOptions
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailScreenshotAsBinary'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of null, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getEmailsOffsetPaginated
getEmailsOffsetPaginated([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'][0] ]) : PageEmailProjection
Get all emails in all inboxes in paginated form. Email API list all.
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter. Searches email recipients, sender, subject, email address and ID. Does not search email body (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time (optional)
- $before : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received before given date time (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PageEmailProjection —getEmailsOffsetPaginatedAsync()
Operation getEmailsOffsetPaginatedAsync
getEmailsOffsetPaginatedAsync([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get all emails in all inboxes in paginated form. Email API list all.
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter. Searches email recipients, sender, subject, email address and ID. Does not search email body (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time (optional)
- $before : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received before given date time (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailsOffsetPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailsOffsetPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailsOffsetPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get all emails in all inboxes in paginated form. Email API list all.
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter. Searches email recipients, sender, subject, email address and ID. Does not search email body (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time (optional)
- $before : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received before given date time (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailsOffsetPaginatedRequest()
Create request for operation 'getEmailsOffsetPaginated'
getEmailsOffsetPaginatedRequest([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'][0] ]) : Request
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter. Searches email recipients, sender, subject, email address and ID. Does not search email body (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time (optional)
- $before : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received before given date time (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailsOffsetPaginatedWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailsOffsetPaginatedWithHttpInfo
getEmailsOffsetPaginatedWithHttpInfo([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get all emails in all inboxes in paginated form. Email API list all.
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter. Searches email recipients, sender, subject, email address and ID. Does not search email body (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time (optional)
- $before : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received before given date time (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailsOffsetPaginated'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\PageEmailProjection, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getEmailsPaginated
getEmailsPaginated([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'][0] ]) : PageEmailProjection
Get all emails in all inboxes in paginated form. Email API list all.
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter. Searches email recipients, sender, subject, email address and ID. Does not search email body (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time. If unset will use time 24hours prior to now. (optional)
- $before : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received before given date time (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PageEmailProjection —getEmailsPaginatedAsync()
Operation getEmailsPaginatedAsync
getEmailsPaginatedAsync([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get all emails in all inboxes in paginated form. Email API list all.
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter. Searches email recipients, sender, subject, email address and ID. Does not search email body (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time. If unset will use time 24hours prior to now. (optional)
- $before : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received before given date time (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailsPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailsPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailsPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get all emails in all inboxes in paginated form. Email API list all.
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter. Searches email recipients, sender, subject, email address and ID. Does not search email body (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time. If unset will use time 24hours prior to now. (optional)
- $before : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received before given date time (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailsPaginatedRequest()
Create request for operation 'getEmailsPaginated'
getEmailsPaginatedRequest([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'][0] ]) : Request
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter. Searches email recipients, sender, subject, email address and ID. Does not search email body (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time. If unset will use time 24hours prior to now. (optional)
- $before : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received before given date time (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailsPaginatedWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailsPaginatedWithHttpInfo
getEmailsPaginatedWithHttpInfo([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get all emails in all inboxes in paginated form. Email API list all.
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter. Searches email recipients, sender, subject, email address and ID. Does not search email body (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time. If unset will use time 24hours prior to now. (optional)
- $before : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received before given date time (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailsPaginated'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\PageEmailProjection, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getEmailTextLines
getEmailTextLines(string $email_id[, bool $decode_html_entities = null ][, string $line_separator = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'][0] ]) : EmailTextLinesResult
Parse and return text from an email, stripping HTML and decoding encoded characters
- $email_id : string
ID of email to fetch text for (required)
- $decode_html_entities : bool = null
Decode HTML entities (optional)
- $line_separator : string = null
Line separator character (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
EmailTextLinesResult —getEmailTextLinesAsync()
Operation getEmailTextLinesAsync
getEmailTextLinesAsync(string $email_id[, bool $decode_html_entities = null ][, string $line_separator = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Parse and return text from an email, stripping HTML and decoding encoded characters
- $email_id : string
ID of email to fetch text for (required)
- $decode_html_entities : bool = null
Decode HTML entities (optional)
- $line_separator : string = null
Line separator character (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailTextLinesAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailTextLinesAsyncWithHttpInfo
getEmailTextLinesAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, bool $decode_html_entities = null ][, string $line_separator = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Parse and return text from an email, stripping HTML and decoding encoded characters
- $email_id : string
ID of email to fetch text for (required)
- $decode_html_entities : bool = null
Decode HTML entities (optional)
- $line_separator : string = null
Line separator character (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getEmailTextLinesRequest()
Create request for operation 'getEmailTextLines'
getEmailTextLinesRequest(string $email_id[, bool $decode_html_entities = null ][, string $line_separator = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_id : string
ID of email to fetch text for (required)
- $decode_html_entities : bool = null
Decode HTML entities (optional)
- $line_separator : string = null
Line separator character (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getEmailTextLinesWithHttpInfo()
Operation getEmailTextLinesWithHttpInfo
getEmailTextLinesWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, bool $decode_html_entities = null ][, string $line_separator = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Parse and return text from an email, stripping HTML and decoding encoded characters
- $email_id : string
ID of email to fetch text for (required)
- $decode_html_entities : bool = null
Decode HTML entities (optional)
- $line_separator : string = null
Line separator character (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmailTextLines'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\EmailTextLinesResult, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getEmailWithHttpInfo
getEmailWithHttpInfo(string $email_id[, bool $decode = false ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getEmail'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get email content including headers and body. Expects email to exist by ID. For emails that may not have arrived yet use the WaitForController.
- $email_id : string
- $decode : bool = false
Decode email body quoted-printable encoding to plain text. SMTP servers often encode text using quoted-printable format (for instance `=D7`). This can be a pain for testing (optional, default to false)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\Email, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress
getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress(string $email_address[, string $size = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'][0] ]) : GravatarUrl
- $email_address : string
email_address (required)
- $size : string = null
size (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
GravatarUrl —getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressAsync()
Operation getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressAsync
getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressAsync(string $email_address[, string $size = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
- $email_address : string
- $size : string = null
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressAsyncWithHttpInfo
getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $email_address[, string $size = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
- $email_address : string
- $size : string = null
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressRequest()
Create request for operation 'getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'
getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressRequest(string $email_address[, string $size = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'][0] ]) : Request
- $email_address : string
- $size : string = null
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressWithHttpInfo()
Operation getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressWithHttpInfo
getGravatarUrlForEmailAddressWithHttpInfo(string $email_address[, string $size = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $email_address : string
- $size : string = null
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getGravatarUrlForEmailAddress'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\GravatarUrl, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Get the host index
getHostIndex() : int
Return values
int —Host index
Operation getLatestEmail
getLatestEmail([array<string|int, string> $inbox_ids = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'][0] ]) : Email
Get latest email in all inboxes. Most recently received.
- $inbox_ids : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional set of inboxes to filter by. Only get the latest email from these inbox IDs. If not provided will search across all inboxes (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Email —getLatestEmailAsync()
Operation getLatestEmailAsync
getLatestEmailAsync([array<string|int, string> $inbox_ids = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get latest email in all inboxes. Most recently received.
- $inbox_ids : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional set of inboxes to filter by. Only get the latest email from these inbox IDs. If not provided will search across all inboxes (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getLatestEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getLatestEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo
getLatestEmailAsyncWithHttpInfo([array<string|int, string> $inbox_ids = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get latest email in all inboxes. Most recently received.
- $inbox_ids : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional set of inboxes to filter by. Only get the latest email from these inbox IDs. If not provided will search across all inboxes (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getLatestEmailInInbox1()
Operation getLatestEmailInInbox1
getLatestEmailInInbox1(string $inbox_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'][0] ]) : Email
Get latest email in an inbox. Use `WaitForController` to get emails that may not have arrived yet.
- $inbox_id : string
ID of the inbox you want to get the latest email from (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Email —getLatestEmailInInbox1Async()
Operation getLatestEmailInInbox1Async
getLatestEmailInInbox1Async(string $inbox_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get latest email in an inbox. Use `WaitForController` to get emails that may not have arrived yet.
- $inbox_id : string
ID of the inbox you want to get the latest email from (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getLatestEmailInInbox1AsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getLatestEmailInInbox1AsyncWithHttpInfo
getLatestEmailInInbox1AsyncWithHttpInfo(string $inbox_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get latest email in an inbox. Use `WaitForController` to get emails that may not have arrived yet.
- $inbox_id : string
ID of the inbox you want to get the latest email from (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getLatestEmailInInbox1Request()
Create request for operation 'getLatestEmailInInbox1'
getLatestEmailInInbox1Request(string $inbox_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'][0] ]) : Request
- $inbox_id : string
ID of the inbox you want to get the latest email from (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getLatestEmailInInbox1WithHttpInfo()
Operation getLatestEmailInInbox1WithHttpInfo
getLatestEmailInInbox1WithHttpInfo(string $inbox_id[, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get latest email in an inbox. Use `WaitForController` to get emails that may not have arrived yet.
- $inbox_id : string
ID of the inbox you want to get the latest email from (required)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getLatestEmailInInbox1'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\Email, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Create request for operation 'getLatestEmail'
getLatestEmailRequest([array<string|int, string> $inbox_ids = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'][0] ]) : Request
- $inbox_ids : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional set of inboxes to filter by. Only get the latest email from these inbox IDs. If not provided will search across all inboxes (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
Request —getLatestEmailWithHttpInfo()
Operation getLatestEmailWithHttpInfo
getLatestEmailWithHttpInfo([array<string|int, string> $inbox_ids = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Get latest email in all inboxes. Most recently received.
- $inbox_ids : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional set of inboxes to filter by. Only get the latest email from these inbox IDs. If not provided will search across all inboxes (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getLatestEmail'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of \MailSlurp\Models\Email, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)
Operation getOrganizationEmailsPaginated
getOrganizationEmailsPaginated([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getOrganizationEmailsPaginated'][0] ]) : PageEmailProjection
Get all organization emails. List team or shared test email accounts
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter search filter for emails. (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time. If unset will use time 24hours prior to now. (optional)
- $before : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received before given date time (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getOrganizationEmailsPaginated'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getOrganizationEmailsPaginated'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PageEmailProjection —getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedAsync()
Operation getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedAsync
getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedAsync([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getOrganizationEmailsPaginated'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get all organization emails. List team or shared test email accounts
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter search filter for emails. (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time. If unset will use time 24hours prior to now. (optional)
- $before : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received before given date time (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getOrganizationEmailsPaginated'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getOrganizationEmailsPaginated'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo()
Operation getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo
getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedAsyncWithHttpInfo([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getOrganizationEmailsPaginated'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface
Get all organization emails. List team or shared test email accounts
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter search filter for emails. (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time. If unset will use time 24hours prior to now. (optional)
- $before : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received before given date time (optional)
- $contentType : string = self::contentTypes['getOrganizationEmailsPaginated'][0]
The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['getOrganizationEmailsPaginated'] to see the possible values for this operation
Return values
PromiseInterface —getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedRequest()
Create request for operation 'getOrganizationEmailsPaginated'
getOrganizationEmailsPaginatedRequest([array<string|int, string> $inbox_id = null ], int $page[, int $size = 20 ][, string $sort = 'ASC' ][, bool $unread_only = false ][, string $search_filter = null ][, DateTime $since = null ][, DateTime $before = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['getOrganizationEmailsPaginated'][0] ]) : Request
- $inbox_id : array<string|int, string> = null
Optional inbox ids to filter by. Can be repeated. By default will use all inboxes belonging to your account. (optional)
- $page : int
Optional page index in email list pagination (optional, default to 0)
- $size : int = 20
Optional page size in email list pagination. Maximum size is 100. Use page index and sort to page through larger results (optional, default to 20)
- $sort : string = 'ASC'
Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC (optional, default to 'ASC')
- $unread_only : bool = false
Optional filter for unread emails only. All emails are considered unread until they are viewed in the dashboard or requested directly (optional, default to false)
- $search_filter : string = null
Optional search filter search filter for emails. (optional)
- $since : DateTime = null
Optional filter emails received after given date time. If unset will use time 24hours prior to now. (optional)