
in package

FormControllerApi Class Doc Comment




OpenAPI Generator team


Table of Contents

contentTypes  = ['submitForm' => ['application/json']]
$client  : ClientInterface
$config  : Configuration
$headerSelector  : HeaderSelector
$hostIndex  : int
__construct()  : mixed
getConfig()  : Configuration
getHostIndex()  : int
Get the host index
setHostIndex()  : void
Set the host index
submitForm()  : string
Operation submitForm
submitFormAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation submitFormAsync
submitFormAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation submitFormAsyncWithHttpInfo
submitFormRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'submitForm'
submitFormWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation submitFormWithHttpInfo
createHttpClientOption()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Create http client option



public array<string|int, string> contentTypes = ['submitForm' => ['application/json']]




public __construct([ClientInterface $client = null ][, Configuration $config = null ][, HeaderSelector $selector = null ], int $hostIndex) : mixed
$client : ClientInterface = null
$config : Configuration = null
$selector : HeaderSelector = null
$hostIndex : int

(Optional) host index to select the list of hosts if defined in the OpenAPI spec

Return values


Get the host index

public getHostIndex() : int
Return values

Host index


Set the host index

public setHostIndex(int $hostIndex) : void
$hostIndex : int

Host index (required)

Return values


Operation submitForm

public submitForm([string $_to = null ][, string $_subject = null ][, string $_redirect_to = null ][, string $_email_address = null ][, string $_success_message = null ][, string $_spam_check = null ][, string $other_parameters = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['submitForm'][0] ]) : string

Submit a form to be parsed and sent as an email to an address determined by the form fields

$_to : string = null

The email address that submitted form should be sent to. (optional)

$_subject : string = null

Optional subject of the email that will be sent. (optional)

$_redirect_to : string = null

Optional URL to redirect form submitter to after submission. If not present user will see a success message. (optional)

$_email_address : string = null

Email address of the submitting user. Include this if you wish to record the submitters email address and reply to it later. (optional)

$_success_message : string = null

Optional success message to display if no _redirectTo present. (optional)

$_spam_check : string = null

Optional but recommended field that catches spammers out. Include as a hidden form field but LEAVE EMPTY. Spam-bots will usually fill every field. If the _spamCheck field is filled the form submission will be ignored. (optional)

$other_parameters : string = null

All other parameters or fields will be accepted and attached to the sent email. This includes files and any HTML form field with a name. These fields will become the body of the email that is sent. (optional)

$contentType : string = self::contentTypes['submitForm'][0]

The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['submitForm'] to see the possible values for this operation


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation submitFormAsync

public submitFormAsync([string $_to = null ][, string $_subject = null ][, string $_redirect_to = null ][, string $_email_address = null ][, string $_success_message = null ][, string $_spam_check = null ][, string $other_parameters = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['submitForm'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface

Submit a form to be parsed and sent as an email to an address determined by the form fields

$_to : string = null

The email address that submitted form should be sent to. (optional)

$_subject : string = null

Optional subject of the email that will be sent. (optional)

$_redirect_to : string = null

Optional URL to redirect form submitter to after submission. If not present user will see a success message. (optional)

$_email_address : string = null

Email address of the submitting user. Include this if you wish to record the submitters email address and reply to it later. (optional)

$_success_message : string = null

Optional success message to display if no _redirectTo present. (optional)

$_spam_check : string = null

Optional but recommended field that catches spammers out. Include as a hidden form field but LEAVE EMPTY. Spam-bots will usually fill every field. If the _spamCheck field is filled the form submission will be ignored. (optional)

$other_parameters : string = null

All other parameters or fields will be accepted and attached to the sent email. This includes files and any HTML form field with a name. These fields will become the body of the email that is sent. (optional)

$contentType : string = self::contentTypes['submitForm'][0]

The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['submitForm'] to see the possible values for this operation

Return values


Operation submitFormAsyncWithHttpInfo

public submitFormAsyncWithHttpInfo([string $_to = null ][, string $_subject = null ][, string $_redirect_to = null ][, string $_email_address = null ][, string $_success_message = null ][, string $_spam_check = null ][, string $other_parameters = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['submitForm'][0] ]) : PromiseInterface

Submit a form to be parsed and sent as an email to an address determined by the form fields

$_to : string = null

The email address that submitted form should be sent to. (optional)

$_subject : string = null

Optional subject of the email that will be sent. (optional)

$_redirect_to : string = null

Optional URL to redirect form submitter to after submission. If not present user will see a success message. (optional)

$_email_address : string = null

Email address of the submitting user. Include this if you wish to record the submitters email address and reply to it later. (optional)

$_success_message : string = null

Optional success message to display if no _redirectTo present. (optional)

$_spam_check : string = null

Optional but recommended field that catches spammers out. Include as a hidden form field but LEAVE EMPTY. Spam-bots will usually fill every field. If the _spamCheck field is filled the form submission will be ignored. (optional)

$other_parameters : string = null

All other parameters or fields will be accepted and attached to the sent email. This includes files and any HTML form field with a name. These fields will become the body of the email that is sent. (optional)

$contentType : string = self::contentTypes['submitForm'][0]

The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['submitForm'] to see the possible values for this operation

Return values


Create request for operation 'submitForm'

public submitFormRequest([string $_to = null ][, string $_subject = null ][, string $_redirect_to = null ][, string $_email_address = null ][, string $_success_message = null ][, string $_spam_check = null ][, string $other_parameters = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['submitForm'][0] ]) : Request
$_to : string = null

The email address that submitted form should be sent to. (optional)

$_subject : string = null

Optional subject of the email that will be sent. (optional)

$_redirect_to : string = null

Optional URL to redirect form submitter to after submission. If not present user will see a success message. (optional)

$_email_address : string = null

Email address of the submitting user. Include this if you wish to record the submitters email address and reply to it later. (optional)

$_success_message : string = null

Optional success message to display if no _redirectTo present. (optional)

$_spam_check : string = null

Optional but recommended field that catches spammers out. Include as a hidden form field but LEAVE EMPTY. Spam-bots will usually fill every field. If the _spamCheck field is filled the form submission will be ignored. (optional)

$other_parameters : string = null

All other parameters or fields will be accepted and attached to the sent email. This includes files and any HTML form field with a name. These fields will become the body of the email that is sent. (optional)

$contentType : string = self::contentTypes['submitForm'][0]

The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['submitForm'] to see the possible values for this operation

Return values


Operation submitFormWithHttpInfo

public submitFormWithHttpInfo([string $_to = null ][, string $_subject = null ][, string $_redirect_to = null ][, string $_email_address = null ][, string $_success_message = null ][, string $_spam_check = null ][, string $other_parameters = null ][, string $contentType = self::contentTypes['submitForm'][0] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Submit a form to be parsed and sent as an email to an address determined by the form fields

$_to : string = null

The email address that submitted form should be sent to. (optional)

$_subject : string = null

Optional subject of the email that will be sent. (optional)

$_redirect_to : string = null

Optional URL to redirect form submitter to after submission. If not present user will see a success message. (optional)

$_email_address : string = null

Email address of the submitting user. Include this if you wish to record the submitters email address and reply to it later. (optional)

$_success_message : string = null

Optional success message to display if no _redirectTo present. (optional)

$_spam_check : string = null

Optional but recommended field that catches spammers out. Include as a hidden form field but LEAVE EMPTY. Spam-bots will usually fill every field. If the _spamCheck field is filled the form submission will be ignored. (optional)

$other_parameters : string = null

All other parameters or fields will be accepted and attached to the sent email. This includes files and any HTML form field with a name. These fields will become the body of the email that is sent. (optional)

$contentType : string = self::contentTypes['submitForm'][0]

The value for the Content-Type header. Check self::contentTypes['submitForm'] to see the possible values for this operation


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of string, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Create http client option

protected createHttpClientOption() : array<string|int, mixed>

on file opening failure

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of http client options

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